Guest book

Guest book Add comments

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8 Responses to “Guest book”

  1. Raissa Galechko Says:

    Pasha, my love! I published this poem 12 years ago! You were so tiny kid, so fragile, but yet so strong and bright. Your soul was opened, your spirit was pure. You were an Angel, Pasha!
    In the beautiful autumn garden you taught me Ten Newton’s Commandments. You invited me to travel to the stars high above our heads. I hold your weak hand and you transmitted your purity and spiritual power to me.
    Pasha why! why! you left us so early?
    Be in peace, our Angel. You will be always remembered.
    Raissa Galechko, Toronto, Canada

  2. Fred McGaughan Says:

    This website tribute is incredibly heartwarming. It captures Pavlo’s spirit, and his spirit was inspiring. I will always treasure the years I spent with this wonderful young man.

    Pavlo lives on in the hearts of the many people he touched personally and even in the hearts of those who knew him from afar. I see him now at the summit, absorbing the scenery and looking for the next mountain to climb.

  3. Sebastian Paulsson Says:

    I sincerely thank you for the time we spent together. Although I wish I had known you better it always made me happy to see you in the dining halls or around campus. Your determination in Rugby always made me admire your courage and never did you complain from the physicality of the game. You always showed up with a smile on your face and it has been a true honor to know you.
    Thank You Pavlo!

  4. Bryony Says:

    Good for people to know.

  5. Student Says:

    Pavlo, I never really knew you. But I knew that you were an amazing person. I can honestly say that you inspired me because I knew that you were capable of doing anything you wanted to do, and so am I now, because of you. Words cannot describe how much we miss you. I really did smile everytime I saw you because that was just the effect you had on people. Thank you so so so much for everything you have done, and I aspire to one day be as great as you.
    Thank You Pavlo, We Miss You.

  6. Amanda Says:

    I woke up on Monday, August 4th and went into the kitchen to eat some breakfast. My Mom was sitting at the table eating and reading the paper. Suddenly, she looked at me, pointed to a picture of a young man with curly blond hair and said, “We know him.” I assumed whoever it was had done something really great and therefore was in the paper for a good reason. As I started to read the article, I immediately recognized the young man’s face and his last name, which is Levkiv. “This is about Pasha. Pasha’s dead, isn’t he?” I said. I couldn’t believe that at 19 years old he was dead.
    Pasha was 6 when I met him and I was 10. We were in the same karate class. I thought he was the coolest 6 year old ever. Despite being born with severe Cerebral Palsy, Pasha almost always had a smile on his face. The only time he would not smile was during karate testing. For some reason, that made him so nervous that no matter what, he would always cry. Things like walking and talking took him a long time, but he never gave up. That is a quality of his that I always have and always will admire.
    Pasha was and always will be a great inspiration to me. He never gave up and his determination and positive outlook on life has changed me forever. He faced a lot of challenges throughout his life and always managed to have a smile on his face. I figure the least I could do to honor him is to try to do the same.

  7. Yaroslav Levkiv Says:

    Блукаючи Інетом, випадково знайшов цей сайт.
    Я не знаю англійської, проте, знаючи із півтори сотні слів, зрозумів, що Ти, Павле, прийшов на цей світ у боротьбі, усе своє життя боровся і відійшов також у боротьбі.
    Дивна Тобі випала доля.
    Не виключено, що Господь обрав саме Тебе, щоби зробити живим прикладом для тисяч неповносправних; щоби дивлячись на Тебе, вони не занепадали на дусі та не втрачали свою людську гідність.
    Твоє фото в горах нагадало мені про мого двоюрідного брата, вже також покійного: дещо схожі риси обличчя і густе, кучеряве волосся, об яке ламалися зубці всіх пластмасових гребінців.
    А водночас і Твоя сила волі до виживання у складних обставинах навіть сумніву не викликає, що ми належимо до давнього козацького роду, який у своїй житомирській лінії мав Павла Левківа – реєстрового козака Олив’ятинської сотні 1649 року, Чигиринського полку спеціального призначення армії Богдана Хмельницького.
    Розкидала доля наш рід. Хто у Києві народився, хто у Львові, хто іще деінде.
    Однак, настане той час, коли ми усі постанемо перед нашим Творцем і зустрінемося у Царстві Всевишнього.
    Ти, Павле, свою місію уже виконав.
    Земля Тобі пухом, і до зустрічі в Раю.

    Ярослав Левків.

    P. S.
    Окремо хотілося б подякувати і Батькам Павла, які всі ці роки були поруч сина й не опустили рук у зневірі.
    Своїм прикладом вони навчали, що в житті потрібно боротися до кінця й не дозволяти обставинам посіяти сумніви в душу.
    Не розпачайте.
    Одного дня Господь покличе і Вас.
    І того ж дня Вас зустріне Павло, у своїй сірій футболці із логотипом „Динамо”.
    І проведе вже протореним шляхом у нашу предвічну домівку, де ні горя, ні зітхань не буде, а життя безконечне у Бозі.

  8. Roman Voronka Says:

    Павле ти існуєш бо я про тебе згадав. Я знову побачив твою усмішку.


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